Its hard to believe that a whole week has gone by, before we know it we will be celebrating Calvin’s first birthday.

We are doing our best to adjust to being a family of 4. Some things are going well and others not so much. We’ve been getting out of the house quite a bit, which is good for my and Peyton’s sanity. Today we went my office to show him off. Tomorrow I am planning to take the 2 kids to the growers market in the morning and possibly to visit some old coworkers if we feel up to it, I know that will be a long visit, so many people to see. One thing I have noticed with the 2nd from the 1st is that it took us forever to get out of the house when Peyton was a baby. It might take a little while now but not nearly as long as it did with her.
Peyton has for the most part been a great big sister. She always wants to hold and cuddle her brother. We are trying to work on her being less pushy about it and also less overwhelming with it. But those moments are quite special.

Even the dog likes to get in on cuddle time.

I bought quite a few new things to use with Calvin that I wish I had with Peyton. One of the most used lately is the carrycot that I bought to use in the walking stroller. I have not used it in the stroller yet since I haven’t quite felt up to walking. But it works great as a bassinet around the house, a save place for him to nap during the day. Here he is snoozing away.

I was also busy crocheting baby things while pregnant, several hats and a blanket. One thing I loved was this little cocoon that I made, with a matching hat. I have seen them used for photo shoots so I thought that would be a lot of fun. But I have found that it works great for nighttime, keeps him warm and he can wiggle around in it like he does a lot. Here he is modeling it.

I remembered yesterday that I should start taking pics for comparison pics, so here is the first in the series, 6 days old. We also did Peyton’s in the swing, so it will be fun to compare them to each other as well as to their own.

And I have to include this goofy picture, Calvin is full of silly faces just wish I could catch more on camera

With Calvin getting plenty of my attention lately I have felt sorry for Peyton, having to entertain herself more than usual. I am going to attempt to give her a fun new activity to do every day, though in reality it will probably be every other day. Today we painted, though not new we have just not done it in long time. I am trying to put together a list as I come across ideas, the one at the top is to make ice cream, that should be yummy.