Thursday, November 24, 2011

The elf has landed

I decided the elf is a girl and her name is Holly.  Perhaps when Calvin is a little older her elf friend will arrive and his name will be Barry.  Holly and Barry. Funny.

So, she is a girl, she needed a skirt, which I made from some felt.  Then it had to be glitterized.  It was a must.  Now she sits on the shelf in the living room waiting to be found.

I have a big red bow on the book, I think it will be somewhere in her room or mine in the morning. We will read it first, then she will surely run to find her.  I should write a quick note…will do that in a minute.

In other news…I got out Peyton’s play mat thingy.  Calvin loves it.


I added more toys to it too and he was quite pleased, kicking and grabbing at everything.  Hes getting so big!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pure genius

I have recently come across a few awesome, life changing tips that I thought I would share.

First, you know how dryers love to eat socks?  Anyone with kids knows that they really love tiny socks.  Put them in a zippered lingerie bag to wash them.  Amazing.  They all stay together, no one gets eaten.

Next, I like cupcakes but what a mess to make.  I came up with this, so proud of my brain.  Put everything in a ziplock bag, mix around, snip off the corner and squeeze into the cupcake thingies. done!  Bake, frost, eat, now done.

That is all for now.  I have one pissed off Calvin.  Goodness he is mad. 

Bring on the Christmas!

Most years I am not ready for Christmas.
I would have normally been annoyed with the fact that it is November 5th and the mall is all decorated and playing Christmas music.
But this year I can’t wait for it to get here!
I am not going overboard on gifts this year, not that I ever do, but gifts are going to be simple, it’s the celebrating that I am looking forward to.
I bought the elf and elf on the shelf book.  I thought of starting it last year but then decided it was too much work.  But this year I decided I didn’t care, that I would plan it all out ahead of time, even though I have less time with a new baby and working full time.  I love having traditions for holidays and this will be a fun one to do year after year.  Thanks to the internet theres tons of ideas.  So I printed out a calendar and wrote down on each day what the elf would be doing.  For once I am organized!   Now I need to get the things that I will need and I will be all set. 

I have decided that he will show up every now and then with little gifts: Christmas socks, pjs, a christmas movie, book.  And then other times with activities like making gingerbread men, snow globes.  If he is really awesome he will set up the Christmas tree one night.
I am so looking forward to this that I can’t wait to start!   But I will wait till after Thanksgiving.  cause its too soon.  Isn’t it?  It is.  Yes.  Maybe.