This afternoon I keep looking at the clock, thinking yay another hour has passed! About 42 hours left now. Kind of sad, I wish I was one of those people that enjoyed this or could feel at all sad that this is the last bit I will be pregnant, the last times that I will feel baby kicking the crap out of me. But I am not. I have been miserable this whole pregnancy and really miserable the last few weeks. Now these last several days I have mostly just sat on the couch cause I hurt too much to move around a lot. I just want to be done with this so bad that I really haven’t thought about what it will be like with a new baby. Our little family is in for a big change that’s for sure. The quick trips to the store are now going to be major outings, everything will revolve around mealtime and naptime and then theres the diaper bag, making sure its fully stocked or a crisis might occur, sleepless nights (not much different from now), then teething, eek. I may be in pain but at least baby is easy to take care of right now.
So, I have been playing on the computer a lot cause its easy to do while sitting on the couch. Should be reading, just got a few books though I can’t even remember which ones, my brain is a failure. I made the mistake of letting Peyton play some games on and now that’s all she wants to do when she sees me on it. At least they are educational, Super Why teaching her how to spell, she does pretty good on it too. I have also been working on a little doll dress, supposed to be a baby one but I am sure it will end up being for a doll. I started it a few weeks ago, then got completely stuck on one step. But I finally figured it out and I’m on a roll. I am going to try to finish it tomorrow cause who knows when I will be able to get back to it if I don’t. Here it is so far:
and just like that Peyton is asking to play a game on here, never fails. Nope, she got distracted and is heading outside with daddy. Done for today, will probably update more tomorrow, maybe, couch isn’t a very exciting place to be…
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