Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Giving this another try

I have decided to try to jump back into blogging. Posting the family happenings here instead of on facebook. I know that not everyone cares what kind of food my kids finally tried or how many teeth they lost. Since its been almost 2 years I might do a quick catch up. Summer was busy, having as much fun as we could before time was up. The combination of the heat and wildfires in the area made doing outside activities impossible. We did manage to get some good stuff in, like Miss P learning to ride her bike, that was a big step.

Now school started a bit ago and we are back into that routine, going to bed early, getting up too early to make lunch and get dressed before running out to catch the bus. P is in 1st grade, so its all day now, just started bringing homework home, loves her teacher, school, made lots of new friends. So far I'd say its a success.

C is home with me and has turned into a typical 2 year old boy. Hes still tiny but that doesn't seem to stop him, he always finds a way. This morning he woke up before the rest of us, came downstairs and turned all the lights on and proceeded to play till I woke up. Keeps me on my toes.

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