Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Saturday a brand new butterfly, Rainbow Princess Beauty Mermaid Fairy Unicorn (guess who named her) came to be and is now (hopefully still) flying around making someone smile.

I was checking out the little chrysalis Friday night and noticed how clear it was becoming and the wings were very visible.


So we took the jar upstairs with us that night, since I am up several times during the night I could check its progress.  Then saturday morning it was very black but still no butterfly.  Then finally around noon Jeff saw it starting to come out.


It was pretty amazing to watch it emerge, its wings all small and wrinkled.  then they slowly start to get bigger.  It was a very long process, longer than I thought it would be.  Eventually we moved her outside.  Peyton was able to hold her and as she started to try flying around we took her over to the butterfly bush.  She flew away just before we got to it and landed up on top, was exactly where she wanted to be.  That was a very fun thing to experience, hopefully we will be able to do it again.  Big thanks to Gram for thinking of it and helping Peyton find the little guy…I mean girl.

Monday, September 5, 2011

One month

Before I had kids when people would say “they grow up so fast…” it was really hard to understand.  But OMG they do.  I cannot believe that I now have a four year old that will start preschool in 2 days and a one month old.  I am really looking forward to Calvin getting bigger, learning things, interacting with us and all the  fun things that kids do, but it can wait.  Now I just want to snuggle with him, watch him sleep, just enjoy the littleness.  He is our last, so I want to soak it all in before it disappears and its just flying by.  What doesn’t help is that I am going back to work tomorrow, I feel like I am going to miss so much of all that wonderful baby time.  I am going to have to learn how to make better use of my time, evenings and weekends are going to have to be used to their fullest.  Will have to continue to update on how that whole things goes, working that is.

In the meantime Mr. Calvin is growing so fast, amazing us everyday with the new things that he can do.

In one month he went from this

To this

He’s become so alert and loves to watch what is going on around him.  I love that whenever Peyton talks to him he turns and watches her, looks like he is listening so contently, its so sweet.

Butterfly project stage 2

or I guess its really stage 3 but we missed the egg stage.

Yesterday morning Miss caterpillar was hanging around

and as the day progressed, she got greener

and greener and then she was this

Like I said before I have never done this before so its pretty fascinating.  Though I have to say it did not look like that poor caterpillar was having a good time as the chrysalis formed, it was wiggling around and looked rather painful.  I couldn’t imagine it would be very comfortable to have a crust form around you.

Now we are waiting for the next stage, Peyton not so patiently.  Hard to explain 10 days to a 4 year old.